Donate Now

Your tax-deductable donations provide critical financial aid for students to join TCMI.

Support TCMI’s operating costs and know that you are directly helping students.

$50 Supports our mission to allow all students to participate in TCMI, regardless of financial situation.

$350 Provides full tuition for one student to participate in a June or July TCMI Summer Workshop.

$625 Provides full tuition for one student to participate in 2023-2024 TCMI.

Donate Now

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The Erin Burley Memorial Fund

The Erin Burley Memorial Fund will exclusively be used to give financial aid to students of the Tetra Chamber Music Institute. This fund was established to reflect TCMI’s belief that economic circumstances should not keep students from participating in our program. The Erin Burley Memorial Fund is co-created with Erin’s mother, Mrs. Barbara Burley.